Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

I just wanted to stop by and say Happy Holidays to all! We were going to do our own tradition but as life would have it my husband's job changed his schedule so he had to work. So this past Monday I had to figure out what I had and what I needed to do the old fashioned traditional Thanksgiving feast. I needed a turkey and most of the fixins so to the store I went. Thankfully I had earned a free turkey so I picked it up with the other missing fixins for our family meal. It was only going to be three of us dd#1 was going out for the day so it was not like I needed to feed an army by any means. Last night I realized that I forgot something I needed to cook with for this morning so I needed to get up early and head to the store again. To my surprise I was not alone. The grocery store was packed with other last minute shoppers for turkey day cooking needs. I came home and got busy. Unfortunately in the end the homemade mashed were replace by instant because they came out like glue! *yuck* The turkey took a little longer than expected and the my dh was less than amused because he wanted to get out early to get to work as soon as possible to get a jump start at work. All in all it worked out in the end and we had a wonderful dinner and enjoyed a few of the leftovers already. DD#1 even came home and made herself a plate and went to town so I know it all tasted good at least.

My wish for all of you is that your day was blessed and you enjoyed time with those you love. I hope you have fond memories from the day and were able to be thankful for everyone that is and has been in your life.