Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Home for the Holidays

Hello everyone and Happy Holidays! I have been gone for wow a really long time. Sorry about that I have been working on me for a change not to mention that my computer that I was using for my last post has been replaced too. The poor thing lived but it is now being used by my kids rather than me pray for a pulse. Like I said I have been working on myself and I have lost a lot of weight and still working on that. I would like to lose a lot more so I am continuing on that journey. I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season. I wish all of you the best and I will do better at keeping in touch here.

I need to refocus on my jewelry. I have been helping a friend with her jewelry business. I love helping out and seeing her succeed. I will continue to do that as she needs it. I also feel like many of the items I currently have for sale may be reworked because I really need to go in a new direction. I love the things I created but I am just not feeling it at this point. I hope all of you keep an eye out in the new year for some of my new work.

Take care gang!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Well it has a pulse but not sure if it will survive...

My poor computer has tried to suffer and has been in the ICU and now I believe it has a pulse but not sure if it is gonna make it. I am hoping it is gonna pull through in the end. Hope all of you are doing well. I need to work on it and check out a few things to see if I can bring it back. Wish me luck...